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Household surveys and low-cost measurement of indoor air pollution in the Dominican Republic




The World Health Organization estimates that 3 billion people cook and heat their homes using biomass, and that up to 4 million deaths per year are directly attributable to household air pollution resulting from biomass combustion. Fundamental to any effort undertaken to address these problems is the development of affordable, reliable, and robust devices for measuring air pollution in indoor environments. Mercer University's version of the "DustDuino" is a prototype instrument for measuring airborne particulate that has been developed through a collaboration among students and faculty in the School of Engineering's departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) and Environmental and Civil Engineering (ECV). The DustDuino consists primarily of a dust sensor (Plantower #7003) that measures particulate (PM_(2.5) and PM_(10)) using infrared light and a photodiode, and an Arduino Uno microcontroller. The total cost to construct a DustDuino is $100-150, which makes it nearly ideal for field work in low resource communities. From 16 May - 6 June 2018, DustDuino devices were deployed in El Cercado, Dominican Republic as part of a Mercer on Mission service-learning project focusing on water, air, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) sustainability. Specifically, indoor air quality (IAQ) surveys were administered in 147 homes spread over 9 different communities surrounding El Cercado. The main purpose of the survey was to better understand the risks local families face from cooking indoors using biomass. In virtually all of the homes (145 of 147), residents prepared their meals indoors by burning wood in 3-stone fires. Preliminary results suggest that indoor concentrations of PM_(2.5) and PM_(10) were 100-200 times higher than the USEPA National Ambient Air Quality Standards. At these levels, even short-duration exposures (less than 5-10 minutes per day) significantly increase the risks of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, and lung cancer.
机译:世界卫生组织估计,有30亿人使用生物质来做饭和取暖,每年多达400万人的死亡直接归因于生物质燃烧引起的家庭空气污染。解决这些问题的任何努力的基础是开发价格实惠,可靠且坚固的设备,用于测量室内环境中的空气污染。默瑟大学的“ DustDuino”版本是一种用于测量空气中颗粒物的原型仪器,该仪器是通过工程学院电气与计算机工程学院(ECE)和环境与土木工程学院(ECV)的学生和教职员工之间的合作开发的。 DustDuino主要包括一个灰尘传感器(Plantower#7003)和一个Arduino Uno微控制器,该传感器使用红外光和光电二极管测量颗粒(PM_(2.5)和PM_(10))(PM_(2.5)和PM_(10))。建造DustDuino的总费用为$ 100-150,这几乎使其非常适合在资源贫乏的社区中进行野外工作。从2018年5月16日至6月6日,DustDuino设备在多米尼加共和国的El Cercado部署,这是专注于水,空气,环境卫生和个人卫生(WASH)可持续性的美世(Mercer)宣教士服务学习项目的一部分。具体来说,室内空气质量(IAQ)调查在El Cercado周围9个不同社区的147个家庭中进行。这项调查的主要目的是更好地了解当地家庭使用生物质在室内做饭所面临的风险。几乎在所有房屋中(147个中的145个),居民都在3块石头上的大火中燃烧木材来准备饭菜。初步结果表明,室内PM_(2.5)和PM_(10)的浓度比USEPA国家环境空气质量标准高100-200倍。在这些水平上,即使是短期暴露(每天少于5-10分钟)也会显着增加患慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD),哮喘和肺癌的风险。



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