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New Orleans Strategic Pathways—Using Blue and Green Infrastructure to Create a Resilient Future




Located at the confluence of the Mississippi River with the Gulf of Mexico, and just south of Lake Pontchartrain, New Orleans, is surrounded by water in every direction. Moreover, a substantial portion of the city is situated below sea level, creating a "bowl-shaped" topography that is susceptible to flooding. The city currently provides flood and hurricane protection with levees and floodwalls and employs a series of large pumping stations to remove water from the floodplain as quickly as possible during wet weather events. Building a resilient system that addresses physical vulnerabilities such as climate change, subsidence, and sea level rise, and social vulnerabilities such as poverty and income inequality is a difficult challenge that requires a triple bottom line solution. The Blue and Green Corridors project aims to provide an example of a path to success to communities aspiring to resilient and sustainable living in the face of flood risk and natural disasters.
机译:新奥尔良位于密西西比河与墨西哥湾的交汇处,在庞恰特雷恩湖(Lake Pontchartrain)以南,新奥尔良四面环水。此外,城市的很大一部分都位于海平面以下,形成了“碗状”的地形,易受洪水的影响。该市目前使用堤坝和防洪墙提供洪水和飓风保护,并在潮湿天气事件中采用了一系列大型抽水站,以尽快从洪泛区中抽水。建立一个能够应对诸如气候变化,地面沉降和海平面上升等物理脆弱性以及诸如贫困和收入不平等之类的社会脆弱性的弹性系统,是一项艰巨的挑战,需要三重底线解决方案。蓝色和绿色走廊项目旨在为渴望面对洪水风险和自然灾害的人们提供有韧性和可持续生活的社区的成功之道。



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