
Infer Creative Analogous Relationships from Wikidata




Making analogies is an important rhetorical device. Analogies can not only help explain new concepts, but also make the expressions more interesting and creative. In our previous work, we explored an automated approach for making analogies using data from knowledge graphs where concepts are connected by their relationships. The algorithm computes how analogous two relationships are to each other based on the structural similarity of their adjacent concepts and relationships. The analogous relationships are then used to construct analogies between two concepts. In this work, we study how people's impressions of the analogies are affected by how the analogies are presented. We hypothesized that the analogy between a pair of relationships will be perceived as stronger when it is presented in a group of analogous relationship pairs for supporting making an analogy between two concepts than when it is presented alone. This hypothesis is confirmed by our empirical study. In addition, we found that people's impressions of how creative the analogy between a pair of relationships is not affected by how they are presented.



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