
Future of Millennial Generations: A Review




Millennials are the generation which did not have cell phones when they were born and they did not get phone until they were in high schools. This millennial generation has a grounding in the pre-digital world but has grown up alongside the technology. Most millennials who got raised in the digital technology era have more choices available than any generation prior. They are known for lot of positive characteristics as they are the most technologically-advanced generation. Millennials think about careers a little bit differently, which has varying paths, pace and consistent breaks. In this paper, first of all, we review how millennials are shaping the world. We then argue that there are three essential elements in the lifelong learning concept for the millennials - curiosity, empathy and passion towards what you do. These skills would help millennials to stay on their jobs longer and build better career prospects.
机译:千禧一代是在他们出生时没有手机的一代,他们没有接受电话,直到他们在高中。这一千禧一代在预数字世界中有一个基础,但已经发展到了这项技术。在数字技术时代提出的大多数千年之级有更多的选择比先生有更多的选择。它们以大量积极的特征而闻名,因为它们是最具技术上的先进。千禧一代的职业生涯有点不同,有不同的路径,步伐和一致的休息。在本文中,首先,我们审查了千禧一年的塑造方式。然后,我们争辩说,终身学习概念有三个基本要素,为千禧年的学习概念 - 好奇心,同情和对你所做的事情的热情。这些技能将有助于千禧一代更长的工作,并建立更好的职业前景。



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