
Tacking Regime Changes in the Markets




In our previous work, we showed that regime changes in the market are retrospectively detectable using historic data in directional changes (DC). In this paper, we build on such results and show that DC indicators can be used for market tracking - using data up to the present - to understand what is going on in the market. In particular, we wanted to track the market to see whether the market is entering an abnormally volatile regime. The proposed approach used DC indicator values observed in the past to model the normal regime of a market (in which volatility is normal) or an abnormal regime (in which volatility is abnormally high). Given a particular value observed in the current market, we used a naive Bayes model to calculate independently two probabilities: one for the market being in the normal regime and one for it being in the abnormal regime. These two probabilities were combined to decide which regime the market was in, two decision rules were examined: a Simple Rule and a Stricter Rule. We used DJIA, FTSE 100 and S&P 500 data from 2007 to 2010 to build the Bayes model. The model was used to track the S&P 500 market from 2010 to 2012, which saw two spells of abnormal regimes, as identified by our previous work, with the benefit of hindsight. The tracking method presented in this paper, with either decision rule, managed to pick up both spells of regime changes accurately. The tracking signals could be useful to market participants. This study potentially lays the foundation of a practical financial early warning system.
机译:在我们以前的工作中,我们表明,使用方向更改(DC)中的历史数据可以追溯地检测到市场中的政权更改。在本文中,我们基于这样的结果,表明DC指标可以用于市场跟踪-使用最新数据来了解市场情况。特别是,我们希望跟踪市场,以查看市场是否进入异常波动的状态。提议的方法使用过去观察到的DC指标值来模拟市场的正常状态(波动率是正常的)或异常状态(波动率是异常高的)。给定当前市场中观察到的特定值,我们使用朴素贝叶斯模型来独立计算两个概率:一个针对处于正常状态的市场,另一个针对处于异常状态的市场。结合这两个概率来确定市场所处的区域,检查了两个决策规则:简单规则和更严格规则。我们使用2007年至2010年的DJIA,FTSE 100和S&P 500数据建立了贝叶斯模型。该模型用于跟踪2010年至2012年的S&P 500市场,这是我们先前的工作发现的两种异常情况,这是我们事后观察的结果。本文提出的跟踪方法,无论采用哪种决策规则,都可以准确地识别出政权变化的两种情况。跟踪信号可能对市场参与者有用。这项研究可能为实用的财务预警系统奠定基础。



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