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Influence of Reviewer Interaction Network on Long-Term Citations: A Case Study of the Scientific Peer-Review System of the Journal of High Energy Physics

机译:审查人员互动网络对长期引用的影响 - 以高能物理学杂志科学同行评价制度为例



A `peer-review system' in the context of judging research contributions, is one of the prime steps undertaken to ensure the quality of the submissions received; a significant portion of the publishing budget is spent towards successful completion of the peer-review by the publication houses. Nevertheless, the scientific community is largely reaching a consensus that peer-review system, although indispensable, is nonetheless flawed. A very pertinent question therefore is “could this system be improved?”. In this paper, we attempt to present an answer to this question by considering a massive dataset of around 29k papers with roughly 70k distinct review reports together consisting of 12m lines of review text from the Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP) between 1997 and 2015. In specific, we introduce a novel reviewer-reviewer interaction network (an edge exists between two reviewers if they were assigned by the same editor) and show that surprisingly the simple structural properties of this network such as degree, clustering coefficient, centrality (closeness, betweenness etc.) serve as strong predictors of the long-term citations (i.e., the overall scientific impact) of a submitted paper. These features, when plugged in a regression model, alone achieves a high R of 0.79 and a low RMSE of 0.496 in predicting the long-term citations. In addition, we also design a set of supporting features built from the basic characteristics of the submitted papers, the authors and the referees (e.g., the popularity of the submitting author, the acceptance rate history of a referee, the linguistic properties laden in the text of the review reports etc.), which further results in overall improvement with R of 0.81 and RMSE of 0.46. Analysis of feature importance shows that the network features constitute the best predictors for this task. Although we do not claim to provide a full-fledged reviewer recommendation system (that could potentially replace an editor), our method could be extremely useful in assisting the editors in deciding the acceptance or rejection of a paper, thereby, improving the effectiveness of the peer-review system.
机译:在评判研究贡献的背景下的“同行评审系统”是为确保所收到的提交的提交质量的主要步骤之一;发布预算的一部分是为了成功完成出版社的同行评审。尽管如此,科学界很大程度上达成了同行审查制度虽然不可或缺,但仍然存在缺陷。因此,一个非常相关的问题是“可以改善这个系统吗?”。在本文中,我们试图通过考虑大约29k篇论文的大规模数据集,其中大约70k截图的报告组成了1997年至2015年期间高能物理(JHEP)的12M审查文本组成了大约29k篇论文。 。在特定的情况下,我们介绍了一个新的评论员 - 审阅者互动网络(如果他们被同一编辑器分配,则两个审阅者之间存在的边缘)并显示该网络的简单结构属性,如程度,聚类系数,中心(接近,之间的间接等)作为提交文件的长期引用(即整体科学影响)的强有力预测因子。这些功能,当插入回归模型时,单独实现高于0.79的高R和0.496的低RMSE在预测长期引用中。此外,我们还设计了一套支持的功能,由提交的文件的基本特征,作者和裁判(例如,提交作者的普及,裁判的接受率历史,语言属性加载审查报告的文本等,进一步改善了0.81和0.46的RM。特征重要性分析表明,网络功能构成了此任务的最佳预测因子。虽然我们不声称提供全方位的审稿人建议系统(可能会取代编辑),但我们的方法在协助编辑决定纸张的接受或拒绝方面非常有用,从而提高了效果同行评审系统。



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