首页> 外文会议>URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference >Reconstruction of Extended Holographic Ricci Dark Energy in Presence of Bulk Viscosity and to View the Thermodynamic Consequences

Reconstruction of Extended Holographic Ricci Dark Energy in Presence of Bulk Viscosity and to View the Thermodynamic Consequences




The two independent studies by Riess et al. [1] and Perlmutter et al [2] of high-redshift supernovae search team and supernovae cosmology project team reported the current universe is expanding with acceleration. Subsequent observational studies that include large-scale structure (LSS) and the cosmic microwave background (CMB) have further supported the accelerated expansion. In order to have thids expansion, one requires an exotic matter characterized by negative pressure and hence negative equation of state (EoS) parameter. The exotic matter with negative EoS parameter w is termed as dark energy (DE). For accelerated expansion, we need ${w}lt -1/3$. Although the cosmological constant is the simplest candidate for DE with w= -1, different time varying models of DE have been proposed in the literature till date. In the present work, a variation of holographic dark energy has been considered in the presence of bulk viscosity and results have been compared with the observational data from SNLS3, BAO and Planck + WMAP9 + WiggleZ measurements.
机译:Riess等人的两项独立研究。 [1]和Perlmutter等人[2]的高红移超新星搜索小组和超新星宇宙学项目小组报告说,当前的宇宙正在以加速的速度扩展。随后的观测研究包括大规模结构(LSS)和宇宙微波背景(CMB),进一步支持了加速扩展。为了使物类膨胀,需要一种具有负压并因此具有负状态方程(EoS)参数的奇特物质。 EoS参数为负w的外来物质称为暗能量(DE)。为了加速扩展,我们需要$ {w} \ lt -1 / 3 $。尽管宇宙常数是w = -1的DE的最简单候选者,但迄今为止,文献中已经提出了DE随时间变化的不同模型。在目前的工作中,已经考虑到在存在体粘度的情况下全息暗能量的变化,并将结果与​​来自SNLS3,BAO和Planck + WMAP9 + WiggleZ测量的观测数据进行了比较。



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