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Compensation of the first natural frequency of inductive medium voltage transformers


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Up till now inductive voltage transformers are only suitable for measuring harmonics if high measurement errors are acceptable. However, as monitoring frequency harmonics becomes more important, the design of inductive voltage transformers needs to be changed in a way to increase its frequency range. The poles and zero points of the frequency response of voltage transformers can be compensated by using different methods. One possibility is to connect an external capacitance to the half winding in order to compensate the first resonance or to connect it to the quarter of the winding in order to compensate the second natural frequency. Another alternative is to change the winding itself for compensating resonance frequencies without using any capacitances. Finally, it is explained how to minimize the transformation error at frequencies up to 9 kHz.
机译:到目前为止,只有在可接受高测量误差的情况下,电感式电压互感器才适合测量谐波。但是,随着监视频率谐波变得越来越重要,感应式电压互感器的设计需要以增加其频率范围的方式进行更改。可以使用不同的方法来补偿变压器的频率响应的极点和零点。一种可能性是将外部电容连接到一半绕组以补偿第一谐振,或者将其连接到四分之一绕组以补偿第二固有频率。另一种选择是改变绕组本身以补偿谐振频率而无需使用任何电容。最后,解释了如何在高达9 kHz的频率下最小化变换误差。



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