
Consideration of Low Enriched Uranium Space Reactors




The Federal Government (NASA, DOE) has recently shown interest in low enrichment uranium (LEU) reactors for space power and propulsion through its studies at national laboratories and a contract with private industry. Several non-governmental organizations have strongly encouraged this approach for nuclear non-proliferation and safety reasons. All previous efforts have been with highly enriched uranium (HEU) reactors. This study evaluates and compares the effects of changing from HEU reactors with greater than 90% U-235 to LEU with less than 20% U-235. A simple analytic approach was used, the validity of which has been established by comparison with existing test data for graphite fuel only. This study did not include cermet fuel. Four configurations were analyzed: NERVA NRX, LANL's SNRE, LEU, and generic critical HEU and LEU reactors without a reflector. The nuclear criticality multiplication factor, size, weight and system thermodynamic performance were compared, showing the strong dependence on moderator-to-fuel ratio in the reactor. The conclusions are that LEU reactors can be designed to meet mission requirements of lifetime and operability. It will be larger and heavier by about 4000 lbs than a highly enriched uranium reactor to meet the same requirements. Mission planners should determine the penalty of the added weight on payload. The amount of U-235 in an HEU core is not significantly greater in an LEU design with equal nuclear requirements. The politics of nuclear non-proliferation and safety will determine the final decision.
机译:联邦政府(NASA,DOE)最近通过在国家实验室进行的研究以及与私营企业的合同,对用于空间动力和推进力的低浓铀(LEU)反应堆表现出了浓厚的兴趣。出于核不扩散和安全原因,一些非政府组织强烈鼓励采用这种方法。以前所有的努力都是针对高浓缩铀(HEU)反应堆。这项研究评估并比较了从U-235含量超过90%的HEU反应器改为U-235含量不到20%的LEU所产生的影响。使用了一种简单的分析方法,通过与仅用于石墨燃料的现有测试数据进行比较,确定了其有效性。该研究不包括金属陶瓷燃料。分析了四种配置:NERVA NRX,LANL的SNRE,LEU以及没有反射器的通用临界HEU和LEU反应堆。比较了核临界倍增因子,尺寸,重量和系统热力学性能,显示了反应堆中对慢化剂/燃料比的强烈依赖性。结论是,LEU反应堆可以设计为满足使用寿命和可操作性的任务要求。为了满足相同的要求,它将比高度浓缩的铀反应堆更大,更重约4000磅。任务计划人员应确定增加的有效载荷重量的代价。在具有相同核需求的LEU设计中,HEU堆芯中U-235的数量不会显着增加。核不扩散与安全的政治将决定最终决定。



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