
A Netnographic Study on the Dark Net Ecosystem for Ransomware




For more than a decade, businesses and private citizens alike have been tormented by an online phenomenon that has changed our stance on cyber security. Ransomware, malicious software that demands payment in exchange for a stolen functionality, has grown beyond expectations. The development and distribution of ransomware is stimulated by social networks active in the Dark Net. From the cyber criminal perspective, this is an ideal platform to participate in a business ecosystem, either as an author, vendor or distributor of ransomware. Within the Dark Net, they can find forums and marketplaces that offer complete secrecy and concealment of the user's identity. Studying the activities taking place within the Dark Net sites can improve our situational awareness on upcoming threats and how we can defend against them. In this research, a netnographic study was done to obtain useful data such as observations of the marketplace economies and reflections on the social interactions between the different stakeholders involved in the creation and distribution of ransomware.
机译:十多年来,在线现象改变了我们对网络安全的立场,使企业和公民都遭受了折磨。勒索软件是一种恶意软件,要求付款以换取被盗的功能,但其发展已超出了预期。活跃在暗网中的社交网络刺激了勒索软件的开发和分发。从网络犯罪的角度来看,这是一个以勒索软件的作者,供应商或分销商身份参与商业生态系统的理想平台。在Dark Net中,他们可以找到提供完全保密和隐藏用户身份的论坛和市场。研究在Dark Net站点内发生的活动可以提高我们对即将到来的威胁以及我们如何防御这些威胁的态势感知。在这项研究中,进行了网络志研究,以获取有用的数据,例如对市场经济的观察以及对参与创建和分发勒索软件的不同利益相关方之间的社会互动的反思。



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