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Increasing flight software reuse with OpenSatKit




In January 2015 the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) released the core Flight System (cFS) as open source under the NASA Open Source Agreement (NOSA) license. The cFS is based on flight software (FSW) developed for 12 spacecraft spanning nearly two decades of effort. The cFS can provide about a third of the FSW functionality for a low-earth orbiting scientific spacecraft. The cFS is a FSW framework that is portable, configurable, and extendable using a product line deployment model. However, the components are maintained separately so the user must configure, integrate, and deploy them as a cohesive functional system. This can be very challenging, especially for organizations with minimal FSW development experience, such as universities, that are building CubeSats. This paper describes the OpenSatKit[2]that was developed to address the cFS deployment challenges and to serve as a cFS training platform for new users. OpenSatKit provides a fully functional out-of-the box software system that includes NASA's cFS, Ball Aerospace's command and control system COSMOS, and a NASA dynamic simulator called 42. The kit is freely available, since all of the components have been released as open source. The kit runs on a Linux platform. It includes eight cFS applications, several kit-specific applications, and built in demos that illustrate how to use key application features. It also includes the software necessary to port the cFS to a Raspberry Pi and instructions for configuring COSMOS to communicate with the target. All of the demos and test scripts can be rerun unchanged with the cFS running on the Raspberry Pi. OpenSatKit can serve two significant architectural roles that will further help the adoption of the cFS and help create a community of users that can share assets. First, the kit is being enhanced to automate the integration of applications with the goal of creating a virtual cFS `App Store'. Second, a platform certification test suite can be developed that would allow users to verify the port of the cFS to a new platform. This paper will describe the current state of these efforts and plans for the future.
机译:2015年1月,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)戈达德太空飞行中心(GSFC)根据NASA开放源代码协议(NOSA)许可,将核心飞行系统(cFS)作为开放源发布。 cFS基于为12个航天器开发的飞行软件(FSW),历时近二十年。 cFS可以为低地球轨道科学航天器提供约三分之一的FSW功能。 cFS是FSW框架,可使用产品线部署模型进行移植,配置和扩展。但是,这些组件是单独维护的,因此用户必须将它们配置,集成和部署为具有凝聚力的功能系统。这可能是非常具有挑战性的,特别是对于FSW开发经验最少的组织,例如正在构建CubeSat的大学。本文介绍了OpenSatKit [2] 旨在解决cFS部署挑战并用作新用户的cFS培训平台。 OpenSatKit提供了一个功能齐全的即用型软件系统,其中包括NASA的cFS,Ball Aerospace的命令和控制系统COSMOS以及名为42的NASA动态模拟器。该套件是免费提供的,因为所有组件均已公开发布来源。该套件可在Linux平台上运行。它包括八个cFS应用程序,几个特定于套件的应用程序,以及用于演示如何使用关键应用程序功能的内置演示。它还包括将cFS移植到Raspberry Pi所必需的软件,以及用于配置COSMOS与目标设备进行通信的说明。使用Raspberry Pi上运行的cFS可以重新运行所有演示和测试脚本。 OpenSatKit可以担任两个重要的架构角色,这将进一步帮助cFS的采用,并帮助创建可以共享资产的用户社区。首先,该工具包得到了增强,以实现应用程序的自动化集成,以创建虚拟cFS“ App Store”为目标。其次,可以开发平台认证测试套件,该套件将允许用户验证cFS到新平台的端口。本文将描述这些努力的现状以及未来的计划。



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