首页> 外文会议>IEEE International RF and Microwave Conference >Accurate Simulation of Fabric and Analysis of Antenna Performance on Different Substrate Materials

Accurate Simulation of Fabric and Analysis of Antenna Performance on Different Substrate Materials




This paper presents a new way to simulate textile antenna into a real like structure of fabric. The conductive fabric is developed by using a plain weave technique and the chosen type of yarn is copper covered yarn. For simulation, Texgen textile software is used to generate fabric structure in CST. The results of simulated and fabricated textile antenna are compared. Next, two textile antennas of the same size and dimension are tested to compare the performance using two different substrates which are polyester and FR-4. Both antennas have the same size, in terms of patch and substrate but different in substrate material. At the end of the studies, it is noticeable that Texgen software is a reliable software that can indicate the real structure of fabric for textile antenna and this software is able to work together with CST Microwave software. There is a good agreement between simulation and measurement results as the simulation results closely reassemble the fabricated textile antenna results. From this studies, it is important to determine the dielectric constant of the substrate and also others crucial parameters such as thickness of substrate and the substrate tangent loss. Those parameters are crucial as it will affect the performance of the antenna. Throughout this work, the conductive fabric placed on antenna shows that it can radiate signal and able to be applied on textile antenna.
机译:本文提出了一种将纺织天线模拟成真实的织物结构的新方法。导电织物是通过平纹编织技术开发的,所选择的纱线类型为覆铜纱线。为了进行仿真,使用Texgen纺织软件在CST中生成织物结构。比较了仿真和制作的纺织天线的结果。接下来,测试了两个尺寸和尺寸相同的纺织天线,以比较使用聚酯和FR-4两种不同基材的性能。就贴片和基板而言,两个天线的尺寸均相同,但基板材料不同。在研究结束时,值得注意的是Texgen软件是一个可靠的软件,可以指示纺织天线的真实织物结构,并且该软件可以与CST Microwave软件一起使用。仿真结果与测量结果之间有着很好的一致性,因为仿真结果可以紧密地重新组合制成的纺织天线结果。通过这项研究,确定衬底的介电常数以及其他关键参数(例如衬底的厚度和衬底的切线损耗)非常重要。这些参数至关重要,因为它将影响天线的性能。在整个工作过程中,放置在天线上的导电织物显示出它可以辐射信号,并且可以应用于纺织天线。



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