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Rehabilitative Grouting for the Anacostia River Tunnel




The Anacostia river tunnel is one of a series of new CSO tunnels designed to capture sewage overflows that currently feed into Washington D.C.'s rivers and divert them to the blue plains advanced wastewater treatment plant. The TBM assembly and main work shaft for the tunnel consists of twin 21.3-m (70-ft) diameter shafts connected by a 30.5-m (100-ft) long tunnel mined by the sequential excavation method (SEM). During the hand mining of the inter-shaft connector tunnel, a ground loss event occurred which resulted in approximately 1900 m~3 (2,500 yd~3 ) of material flowing into the tunnel and formation of a sinkhole which encompassed the area between the two shafts. The immediate response included flooding the shaft and tunnel, backfilling of the sinkhole, and an array of exploratory holes to map the limits of disturbance. Jet grouting was selected as the ground improvement method to restore ground conditions in the crown of the SEM tunnel so that mining could resume. Several other ground improvement methods were required to support the jet grouting work, including non-cementitious grout for void filling, compaction grouting to create an interim bulkhead, and jet grouting to create a contiguous improved ground structure and provide a stable face for the subsequent recommencement of tunneling. After six months of remedial work, the connector tunnel was completed and the TBM was launched. This paper describes the design steps and implementation of this complex, challenging and time-sensitive remediation effort.
机译:Anacostia河隧道是一系列新的CSO隧道之一,旨在捕获目前流入华盛顿特区河流的污水溢流并将其转移到蓝色平原高级污水处理厂。隧道的TBM组件和主要工作井由两个直径21.3 m(70 ft)的井筒组成,这些井筒由30.5 m(100 ft)长的隧道连接,并通过连续挖掘法(SEM)开采。在手动开采轴间连接器隧道的过程中,发生了地面损失事件,导致大约1900 m〜3(2,500 yd〜3)的材料流入隧道,并形成了一个包含两个竖井之间区域的下沉孔。 。立即的响应包括淹没竖井和隧道,回填井眼以及一系列探测孔以绘制扰动极限。选择喷射注浆作为地面改良方法,以恢复SEM隧道顶部的地面条件,从而使采矿得以恢复。还需要其他几种地面改进方法来支持喷射注浆工作,包括非水泥浆注浆以填充空隙,压实注浆以形成临时舱壁,以及喷射注浆以产生连续的改善的地面结构并为后续的重新施工提供稳定的工作面。的隧道。经过六个月的补救工作,连接器隧道完成并启动了TBM。本文介绍了这种复杂,具有挑战性和时间敏感的修复工作的设计步骤和实现。



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