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Parametric Sizing of Boeing's Legacy X-20 Dyna-Soar to Gain Program Architectural Understanding of Sierra Nevada Corporation's Dream Chaser

机译:波音公司的Legacy X-20 Dyna-Soar的参数大小确定,可以使程序对内华达山脉公司的梦Program以求的架构了解



Sierra Nevada Corporation's space access vehicle, Dream Chaser, bears some uncanny resemblances with Boeing's 1957 X-20 Dyna-Soar boost glide vehicle. The Dream Chaser is the latest descendant in the family of lifting reentry vehicles, whereas the X-20 was one of the first programs to implement this configuration. Like the Dream Chaser, the X-20 was also competing to be the primary space access capability for the United States of America. The X-20 was canceled in 1963 under political and administrative influences that made Gemini a priority. Now, almost sixty years after the disappointing fate of the X-20, the Dream Chaser faces a similar scenario. Just as the X-20 lost to the Gemini capsule based system, likewise, the Dream Chaser lost against Space-X's and Boeing's capsule designs in the final round of NASA's Commercial Crew Program, a program to ferry astronauts to LEO. In this context, the X-20 presents a data-rich historical case-study which can be studied from the technical, administrative, and political viewpoints resulting in the cancellation of the program. This paper applies a physics-based parametric sizing procedure to the X-20 Dyna-Soar with objective to reverse-engineer certain top-level design and program architecture decisions. Since the Dream Chaser is a direct descendant among the lifting reentry vehicle family lineage due to configuration evolution and operational constraints, the present study attempts to leverage historical lessons with the aim to provide a consistent objective assessment that can help better understand the current scenario faced by Dream Chaser program.
机译:内华达山脉公司(Sierra Nevada Corporation)的太空通道飞行器Dream Chaser与波音公司1957年的X-20 Dyna-Soar助推滑行飞行器有着某些不可思议的相似之处。 Dream Chaser是起升重返车辆系列中的最新产品,而X-20是实施此配置的首批程序之一。像追梦者一样,X-20也在争夺美国的主要太空访问能力。 X-20于1963年在政治和行政影响下被取消,这使双子座成为重中之重。现在,在X-20令人失望的命运将近60年之后,“追梦者”面临着类似的情况。就像X-20输给基于双子座胶囊的系统一样,“梦想追赶者”在NASA的“商用船员计划”的最后一轮中也输给了Space-X和波音的胶囊设计,该计划将宇航员运送到LEO。在这种情况下,X-20提供了一个数据丰富的历史案例研究,可以从技术,行政和政治角度研究该案例,从而取消该程序。本文对X-20 Dyna-Soar应用基于物理学的参数大小调整程序,目的是对某些顶级设计和程序体系结构决策进行逆向工程。由于配置演变和操作限制,Dream Chaser是升入再入车辆家族谱系的直接后代,因此,本研究尝试利用历史教训,目的是提供一致的客观评估,以帮助更好地了解当前面临的情况Dream Chaser程序。



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