首页> 外文会议>Corrosion conference and expo >Development of a Corrosion Control Program for Liquid Radioactive Wastes Stored in Carbon Steel Waste Tanks

Development of a Corrosion Control Program for Liquid Radioactive Wastes Stored in Carbon Steel Waste Tanks




Large underground, carbon steel tanks are used for interim storage of liquid radioactive waste at the Hanford site. The Hanford Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) is being constructed to treat the high-level waste (HLW) and low-activity waste (LAW) stored in the tanks. Secondary waste will be generated by condensation and scrubbing of the LAW melter off-gas stream. A portion of this stream, which will contain substantial amounts of chloride, fluoride, ammonia, and sulfate ions, may be returned to the tank farms for storage and evaporation. Presently, there are no restrictions on the halide or sulfate concentrations of this return stream prior to transferring to the carbon steel waste tanks. Prior to initiating the process, the current corrosion control program needs to be updated to account for the susceptibility to pitting corrosion of waste tanks due to the halide content of the secondary waste. Cyclic potentiodynamic polarization tests were utilized to determine the nitrite inhibitor requirements needed to safely receive and store the secondary waste.
机译:大型地下碳钢储罐用于在汉福德工厂临时存储液态放射性废物。汉福德废物处理和固定化工厂(WTP)正在建设中,以处理储存在储罐中的高放废物(HLW)和低活性废物(LAW)。 LAW熔炉废气的冷凝和洗涤将产生二次废物。该流的一部分(其中将包含大量的氯离子,氟离子,氨和硫酸根离子)可以返回到储罐区进行存储和蒸发。目前,在返回到碳钢废料池之前,对该回流的卤化物或硫酸盐浓度没有限制。在启动该过程之前,需要更新当前的腐蚀控制程序,以解决由于二次废物的卤化物含量而导致的废物罐点蚀的敏感性。循环电位动力极化测试用于确定安全接收和存储次要废物所需的亚硝酸盐抑制剂要求。



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