首页> 外文会议>IEEE Military Communications Conference >Circumvent traffic shaping using virtual wireless clients in IEEE 802.11 wireless local area network

Circumvent traffic shaping using virtual wireless clients in IEEE 802.11 wireless local area network

机译:在IEEE 802.11无线局域网中使用虚拟无线客户端规避流量整形



Accessing the Internet through Wi-Fi networks offers an inexpensive alternative for offloading data from mobile broadband connections. Businesses such as fast food restaurants, coffee shops, hotels, and airports, provide complimentary Internet access to their customers through Wi-Fi networks. Clients can connect to the Wi-Fi hotspot using different wireless devices. However, network administrators may apply traffic shaping to control the wireless client's upload and download data rates. Such limitation is used to avoid overloading the hotspot, thus providing fair bandwidth allocation. Also, it allows for the collection of money from the client in order to have access to a faster Internet service. In this paper, we present a new technique to avoid bandwidth limitation imposed by Wi-Fi hotspots. The proposed method creates multiple virtual wireless clients using only one physical wireless interface card. Each virtual wireless client emulates a standalone wireless device. The combination of the individual bandwidth of each virtual wireless client results in an increase of the total bandwidth gained by the attacker. Our proposed technique was implemented and evaluated in a real-life environment with an increase in data rate up to 16 folds.



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