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Hackathons, semesterathons, and summerathons as vehicles to develop smart city local talent that via their innovations promote synergy between industry, academia, government and citizens




Governments, universities, and companies around the world are seeking ways to promote innovation to build solutions towards Smarter Cities. From IBM experience is key to have a Smart city the following three factors implemented: they instrument (sensors installed in the city to capture data), then must be interconnected (send gathered information from sensors to some place) and finally enable technologically to produce new levels of intelligence. As smart cities grow, living labs are created as platforms to test these solutions in a real-life context before implementing them on cities. Hosting smart cities' themed hackathons is an excellent way for empowering and engaging citizens to be aware of how their active participation can positively affect the quality of life in their cities. Nowadays, there are multiple hackathons across the globe, typically the outcome of those hackathons are not being implemented in the urban places because a lack of a place to test "prototypes" in a controlled environment, here is where Living Labs play a significant role in the development of smart cities solutions. T o create high-quality deliverables, a well-controlled Living Lab is needed, also the follow up of all the ideas generated is a key factor. In this work, a method and “model” to successfully implement solutions in smart cities designed in a Hackathon, Semesterathon or Summerathons described, including usage of Agile and Design Thinking methodologies. Also, a model that integrate the smart cities ecosystem and leading edge technologies (i.e. Using Cognitive API's via IBM Bluemix “Platform As A Service”), under this new Era of Cognitive Computing explained. In in this work, we defined and outlined the key performance indicators (i.e. KPI), that will allow improvement in the success rate of the solutions that will be developed and deploy initially at CUCEA Living Lab and finally deployed at smart cities.
机译:世界各地政府,大学和公司正在寻求促进创新的方式,以建立对智慧城市的解决方案。来自IBM的经验是拥有智能城市的关键,以下三个因素实施:它们的仪器(安装在城市中的传感器捕获数据),然后必须互连(从传感器发送收集的信息到某个地方),最后在技术上启用新的智力水平。随着智能城市的增长,生活实验室是创建的平台,以在在城市实施之前在真实上下文中测试这些解决方案。举办智能城市主题哈克萨斯是赋予公民能力和融合公民的绝佳方式,了解他们的积极参与如何积极影响其城市的生活质量。如今,全球有多个Hackathons,通常在城市地区的那些哈克帕索的结果不是在城市的地方实施,因为缺乏在受控环境中测试“原型”的地方,这里是生活实验室在历史上发挥着重要作用的地方智能城市解决方案的发展。 T O创造了高质量的可交付成果,需要良好控制的生活实验室,也是产生的所有想法的后续都是一个关键因素。在这项工作中,一种方法和“模型”,以在描述的智能城市中成功地实施解决方案,包括敏捷和设计思维方法的使用。此外,在这种新的认知计算的新时代解释的新时代,还将智能城市生态系统和前沿技术集成的模型在这项工作中,我们定义并概述了关键绩效指标(即KPI),这将允许改进将在Cucea Living Lab上最初开发和部署的解决方案的成功率,最后在智能城市部署。



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