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Civil Engineering Undergraduate Education from the 19th Century Forward-The Experiment Continues




Civil engineering education, which encompasses much of hydraulic, hydrologic and environmental education, has changed over time. Several programs have experimented with 5-year undergraduate degrees, but most of these did not survive. More recently we have seen a trend in declining credit hours for a four-year bachelor's degree. During the first half of the twentieth century, most programs required 140 to 150 semester credit hours or more. Today, a 128 credit hour curriculum is quite common, and increasingly, a number of institutions are moving towards a 120 credit hour curriculum for civil engineering as legislative, college administrator and parental pressure mounts to control costs and minimize student debt. Several representative studies on engineering education have been produced and looking back in time include: 1.Educating the Engineer of 2020: Adapting Engineering Education to the New Century (NAE, 2005) (A seminal report by the National Academy of Engineering, 2005).2.Engineering Education after the War. (Greene, 1922).3.The Hammond Report (SPEE, 1940). (Stressing the need for more scientific fundamentals in engineering training and released in 1940).4.The Mann Report. Evaluation of U.S. engineering education, focusing on common curricula and values (1918).These reports document the state of engineering education at various junctures in the 19th century and provide an excellent snapshot of the state of curricula during that period. This paper explores the roots of civil engineering education in the United States and how it grew to a formal four year program of study before the 20th century.
机译:随着时间的流逝,土木工程教育已涵盖了许多水文,水文和环境教育。几个计划已经对5年制本科学位进行了实验,但是其中大多数未能幸免。最近,我们看到了四年制学士学位的学时减少的趋势。在20世纪上半叶,大多数课程要求140至150个学期学分以上。如今,一个128学分的课程非常普遍,并且越来越多的机构正朝着土木工程的120学分的课程迈进,因为立法,大学行政管理人员和父母的压力越来越大,以控制成本并最大程度地减少学生的债务。关于工程教育的一些有代表性的研究已经产生,并且可以追溯到以下时间:1.教育2020年的工程师:使工程教育适应新世纪(NAE,2005年)(美国国家工程院的开创性报告,2005年)。 2,战后工程教育。 (格林,1922年)3.《哈蒙德报告》(SPEE,1940年)。 (强调在工程培训中需要更多的科学基础知识,并于1940年发布)。4。《曼恩报告》。对美国工程教育的评估,侧重于通用课程和价值观(1918)。这些报告记录了19世纪各个关头的工程教育状况,并提供了该时期课程状况的绝佳快照。本文探讨了美国土木工程教育的起源,以及它如何发展成为20世纪之前的四年制正式学习计划。



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