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DTN Network Management




The Delay Tolerant Network Management Protocol (also known as DTNMP) provides an extremely robust management framework for space and ground segment applications. The protocol provides a set of Abstract Data Models (ADM's), representing various state parameters which can be gathered from capable client nodes. Edward Birrane, Embedded Applications Group Supervisor for the Space Exploration Sector of the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory developed a DTNMP reference implementation (under contract to NASA) that has already proven the design of the protocol, and provides reference implementations of the ADM's. While DTNMP provides a well-rounded set of monitoring parameters, it leaves much to be desired in terms of management To these ends, the DLR DTN working group implemented commanding capability for the ION DTN stack. This implementation comprises major changes to the reference DTNMP implementation, including a strong-typing system, a RPC system, a middleware system, and a prototype implementation of the ADM's which are responsible for network contact management. In this paper, the authors will provide a technical overview of the implementation, as well as the challenges which were faced in creating a broadly applicable system. It will also focus on the issues faced in advancing the system from a research topic to an operational system.
机译:延迟容忍网络管理协议(也称为DTNMP)为空间和地面部分应用程序提供了非常强大的管理框架。该协议提供了一组抽象数据模型(ADM),它们表示可以从有能力的客户端节点中收集的各种状态参数。约翰·霍普金斯大学应用物理实验室太空探索部门嵌入式应用程序组主管Edward Birrane开发了DTNMP参考实现(已与NASA签订合同),该参考实现已经证明了协议的设计,并提供了ADM的参考实现。尽管DTNMP提供了一套全面的监视参数,但在管理方面仍有许多不足。为此,DLR DTN工作组实现了ION DTN堆栈的命令功能。此实现包括对参考DTNMP实现的重大更改,包括负责网络联系管理的强类型系统,RPC系统,中间件系统和ADM的原型实现。在本文中,作者将提供有关实现的技术概述,以及在创建广泛适用的系统中面临的挑战。它还将关注于将系统从研究主题推进到操作系统的过程中所面临的问题。



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