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The relationship of voice onset time and Voice Offset Time to physical age




In a speech signal, Voice Onset Time (VOT) is the period between the release of a plosive and the onset of vocal cord vibrations in the production of the following sound. Voice Offset Time (VOFT), on the other hand, is the period between the end of a voiced sound and the release of the following plosive. Traditionally, VOT has been studied across multiple disciplines and has been related to many factors that influence human speech production, including physical, physiological and psychological characteristics of the speaker. The mechanism of extraction of VOT has however been largely manual, and studies have been carried out over small ensembles of individuals under very controlled conditions, usually in clinical settings. Studies of VOFT follow similar trends, but are more limited in scope due to the inherent difficulty in the extraction of VOFT from speech signals. In this paper we use a structured-prediction based mechanism for the automatic computation of VOT and VOFT. We show that for specific combinations of plosives and vowels, these are re-latable to the physical age of the speaker. The paper also highlights the ambiguities in the prediction of age from VOT and VOFT, and consequently in the use of these measures in forensic analysis of voice.
机译:在语音信号中,语音开始时间(VOT)是在产生以下声音时,从发出爆破声到开始产生声带振动之间的时间段。另一方面,语音偏移时间(VOFT)是从浊音结束到下一个爆破音释放之间的时间段。传统上,VOT已跨多个学科进行了研究,并且与影响人类语音产生的许多因素相关,包括说话者的身体,生理和心理特征。但是,VOT的提取机制基本上是手动的,并且已经在非常可控的条件下(通常在临床环境中)对个体小团体进行了研究。 VOFT的研究遵循类似的趋势,但是由于从语音信号中提取VOFT的固有困难,其范围受到了更大的限制。在本文中,我们使用基于结构化预测的机制来自动计算VOT和VOFT。我们表明,对于特定的爆破音和元音组合,它们与说话者的实际年龄有关。本文还强调了从VOT和VOFT进行年龄预测时的歧义,因此在语音的法证分析中使用了这些措施。



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