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Solving the Subgraph Isomorphism Problem Using Simulated Annealing and Evolutionary Algorithms




The tremendous explosion of Big Data such as social network data has made it urgent to mine important information embedded in the huge graphs. One of the mining tasks is to discover the most frequent graph in a large graph. This task is equivalently to the subgraph isomorphism problem, which is to discover the subgraph of a large graph that is isomporphic to a small input graph. The subgraph isomorphism problem is inherently a NP-hard problem, thus an exact algorithm is impossible when graphs are huge, which are the cases these days. In this study, we reported the implementation of three heuristic optimization algorithms: simulated annealing (SA), (1+1) evolutionary algorithm, and genetic algorithm (GA). We applied these algorithms on randomly generated graphs for identifying the isomorphic subgraphs, and compared the performance of these three algorithms. Our experimental results have shown that GA performed better than the other two algorithms overall.
机译:诸如社交网络数据之类的大数据的爆炸式增长,迫切需要挖掘嵌入在巨大图形中的重要信息。挖掘任务之一是在大型图中发现最频繁的图。此任务等效于子图同构问题,即发现与小输入图同形的大图的子图。子图同构问题本质上是一个NP-hard问题,因此,当图很大时(这种情况已经成为现实),不可能使用精确的算法。在这项研究中,我们报告了三种启发式优化算法的实现:模拟退火(SA),(1 + 1)进化算法和遗传算法(GA)。我们将这些算法应用于随机生成的图上,以识别同构子图,并比较了这三种算法的性能。我们的实验结果表明,GA的总体效果优于其他两种算法。



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