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Performance Evaluation of a Novel Vehicle Collision Avoidance Lane Change Algorithm




This study, proposes a methodology to evaluate the performance of a novel emergency lane change algorithm. The algorithm, defines a number of constraints, based on the vehicle's dynamics and environmental conditions, which must be satisfied for a safe and comfortable lane change maneuver. Inclusion of the lateral position of other vehicles on the road, the tire-road friction, and real-time ability are the main advantages of the proposed algorithm. For performance evaluation of the developed algorithm, a set of driving scenarios were designed to consider different possible traffic situations that may appear in an emergency lane change maneuver. These scenarios were implemented later in IPG CarMaker. which is a vehicle's dynamics platform. Based on the designed scenarios, the efficiency of the algorithm in collision free lane change maneuver was examined.
机译:这项研究提出了一种评估新型紧急车道变更算法性能的方法。该算法根据车辆的动力学和环境条件定义了许多约束条件,必须满足这些约束条件才能安全舒适地进行换道操作。该算法的主要优点是包括其他车辆在道路上的横向位置,轮胎与道路的摩擦以及实时能力。为了评估开发算法的性能,设计了一组驾驶场景,以考虑可能出现在紧急车道变更操作中的不同交通状况。这些方案稍后在IPG CarMaker中实现。这是车辆的动力学平台。根据设计的方案,研究了该算法在无冲突车道变更操纵中的效率。



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