
A Toolkit for Prototype Implementation of E-Governance Service System Readiness Assessment Framework




Increasing importance of Open government, E-Participation and Cross-organizational coherence today has clearly shifted the focus towards building and managing, integrated and coordinated government services. This shall not only satisfy citizens' need but also improve governance issues automatically. In reality, the level of integration, openness and participatory initiatives which are fundamental characteristics of good governance are still in their early stages of development, especially in developing nations. There is much debate among scholars about what constitutes E-Governance success, what methods are best for measuring it, and which variables best describe it. This research paper presents an E-Governance Readiness Assessment Toolkit as a prototype implementation. The toolkit evaluates each procurement practice of Procuring Agencies for transparency and accountability. The solution is for an indigenous and ongoing case study dealing with the Public Procurement Management System for one of the province of Pakistan. The user bases of the system include people with strong diversity in literacy, poverty indexes, and deteriorating governance. The toolkit is acting as government and public awareness system to check the violation of government policies, rules and regulations pertaining to massive mis-procurements amounting millions of dollars.



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