首页> 外文会议>International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications >Stator fault identification analysis in induction motor using multinomial logistic regression

Stator fault identification analysis in induction motor using multinomial logistic regression




This paper is proposed a new method for identify stator fault in induction motor based on multinomial logistic regression analysis. A wavelet transform is used to calculate the value of high-frequency signals of motor electric current. The value of high frequency signal is then used as input variable of logistic regression to obtain the classification of the operating conditions that divided into a normal operation and symptom of damage. Three input variables (xi, X2, X3) which have been tested individually for modeling to identify the existence of fault. Those variables are obtained from three consecutive time period of current signal. Each period is 10ms. There is one input variable is X3 that no significant effect on the response variable, so that the simultaneous modeling of the variable is not included. Based on two input variables (xi and X2) which are significantly affect response variables obtained, classification accuracy of stator fault identification is 77.5%.



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