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Aerosolization of Carbon Nanotubes Using an Acoustic Generator: Particle Generation and Properties




With increasing applications and global production of carbon nanomaterials, there is a growing concern about workplace exposure. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has recommended a working lifetime exposure limit (REL of 1 μg/m3, 8-h TWA, 45 years) to minimize the potential health risks associated with occupational exposure to carbon nanotubes and nanofibers (CNTs and CNFs) (NIOSH, 2013). Because of the large variety of CNT and CNF products, with varying physical and chemical properties (e.g., highly non-spherical fibrous structures), characterization of their properties and exposure risks is challenging. In addition to work processes, the inhalation risks of carbon nanomaterials depend on material properties, which affect both their toxicity and tendency for air dispersion (Ku et al., 2006). It is therefore important to investigate a variety of carbon nanomaterials to determine: 1) their potential for aerosolization, and 2) the residence time and size distribution of the generated aerosol particles. In this study, we investigated the aerodynamic behavior of CNT powders. The powders were aerosolized using an acoustic generator and their aerodynamic and mobility diameters were determined. Aerosol decay and the characteristics of particle generation were also investigated.
机译:随着碳纳米材料的应用和全球生产的增加,人们越来越关注工作场所的暴露。美国国家职业安全与健康研究院(NIOSH)建议工作寿命暴露极限(REL为1μg/ m3,TWA 8小时,45年),以最大程度地减少与碳纳米管和纳米纤维的职业性接触有关的潜在健康风险(碳纳米管和碳纳米管)(NIOSH,2013)。由于CNT和CNF产品种类繁多,具有不同的物理和化学特性(例如高度非球形的纤维结构),因此表征其特性和暴露风险非常具有挑战性。除了工作过程外,碳纳米材料的吸入风险还取决于材料的性质,这既影响其毒性,又影响空气的扩散趋势(Ku等,2006)。因此,重要的是研究各种碳纳米材料,以确定:1)它们的气雾化潜力,和2)所生成气雾剂颗粒的停留时间和尺寸分布。在这项研究中,我们研究了CNT粉的空气动力学行为。使用声发生器将粉末雾化,并确定其空气动力学和迁移率直径。还研究了气溶胶的衰变和颗粒产生的特征。



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