
Monitoring Wildlife in Contaminated Environments via the Carrier Pigeon-Like Sensing System




This paper presents a Carrier Pigeon-like Sensing System (CPSS), a future-present archetype that will enable the observation of inaccessible and contaminated environments, such as the area surrounding the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Our system employs wildlife-borne sensing devices with Animal- Touch'n Go (ATG) and animal-to-animal Internet sharing capabilities; such devices expand the size of monitoring areas where electricity and information infrastructures are limited or nonexistent. Through our approach, monitoring information can be collected from remote areas safely and cost-effectively. Based on the human-computer-biosphere interaction (HCBI) concept, CPSS is presented in this paper, with an overview of the concept, methods employed, and current work in progress. We provide a clear scope for CPSS in the context of natural ecosystems. Furthermore, we implement a documentation framework that describes how complex interactions between living organisms within such natural ecosystems are connected with HCI.
机译:本文介绍了一种类似信鸽的传感系统(CPSS),这是一个未来存在的原型,它将使人们能够观察到难以接近和受污染的环境,例如福岛第一核电站周围的区域。我们的系统采用具有Animal-Touch'n Go(ATG)和动物与动物之间的Internet共享功能的野生生物感测设备。这种设备扩大了电力和信息基础设施有限或根本不存在的监控区域的规模。通过我们的方法,可以安全有效地从偏远地区收集监视信息。本文基于人机-生物圈交互(HCBI)概念,介绍了CPSS,并对概念,采用的方法和当前的工作进行了概述。我们为自然生态系统中的CPSS提供了明确的范围。此外,我们实施了一个文档框架,该框架描述了这种自然生态系统中生物之间的复杂相互作用如何与人机交互联系在一起。



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