
Timing Attacks in Security Protocols: Symbolic Framework and Proof Techniques




We propose a framework for timing attacks, based on (a variant of) the applied-pi calculus. Since many privacy properties, as well as strong secrecy and game-based security properties, are stated as process equivalences, we focus on (time) trace equivalence. We show that actually, considering timing attacks does not add any complexity: time trace equivalence can be reduced to length trace equivalence, where the attacker no longer has access to execution times but can still compare the length of messages. We therefore deduce from a previous decidability result for length equivalence that time trace equivalence is decidable for bounded processes and the standard cryptographic primitives. As an application, we study several protocols that aim for privacy. In particular, we (automatically) detect an existing timing attack against the biometric passport and new timing attacks against the Private Authentication protocol.
机译:我们基于Applied pi演算(的一种)提出了一种定时攻击的框架。由于许多隐私属性以及强大的保密性和基于游戏的安全性属性都被表示为进程等效项,因此我们将重点放在(时间)跟踪等效项上。我们表明,实际上,考虑定时攻击不会增加任何复杂性:时间跟踪等效性可以降低为长度跟踪等效性,在这种情况下,攻击者不再具有执行时间的访问权,但仍可以比较消息的长度。因此,我们从先前的长度等效性的可判定性结果中得出,对于有界过程和标准密码原语,时间迹线等效性是可判定的。作为应用程序,我们研究了几种针对隐私的协议。特别是,我们(自动)检测到针对生物特征护照的现有定时攻击,以及针对私有身份验证协议的新定时攻击。



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