
Smart network access for 802.11 based internet of things




Internet of things (IOT) not only push radio nodes to sense and hear wireless medium, it also does provide opportunity to learn and adapt to radio neighborhood. As number of IOT nodes cherish, spectrum scarcity and interference management becomes non-trivial. As 802.11 radios are vital frontrunners to realize IOT technology, 802.11 channel access algorithms at MAC layer in IOT nodes play a vital role to attain maximum achievable throughput by managing spectrum and interference. Contention based, binary exponential back off CSMA/CA is default channel access mechanism for most 802.11 IOT radios for sake of its simplicity and applicability in both ad-hoc and infrastructure modes. Even though contention free and polling based point coordinated function (PCF) is illustrated in IEEE 802.11 standards, it to be implemented along with distributed coordinated function (DCF), for adding new nodes to same channel. Time division multiple access (TDMA) based medium access layers(MAC) also implements RANDOM ACCESS PHASE to add new radios to channel. DCF, PCF and TDMA fall flat in managing interference in same channel. In this paper a novel interference and spectrum aware channel access mechanism for 802.11 infrastructure and adhoc network, is proposed based on perceived RSSI, RCPI and SNR metrics by generating signal-strength-snr graph to combat interference. Proposed method also uses concept of adaptive channelization to address effective spectrum management. Mentioned channel access algorithm allow multiple parallel wireless conversations possible in same channel.
机译:物联网(IOT)不仅推动无线电节点感知和收听无线媒体,而且确实为学习和适应无线电邻域提供了机会。随着物联网节点数量的增加,频谱稀缺和干扰管理变得不那么重要。由于802.11无线电是实现IOT技术的重要先行者,因此IOT节点中MAC层的802.11信道访问算法在通过管理频谱和干扰来实现最大可实现吞吐量方面发挥着至关重要的作用。基于争用的二进制指数回退CSMA / CA是大多数802.11 IOT无线电的默认信道访问机制,这是因为其简便性和适用性,适用于即席和基础架构模式。即使在IEEE 802.11标准中说明了无争用和基于轮询的点协作功能(PCF),它也将与分布式协作功能(DCF)一起实现,用于将新节点添加到同一信道。基于时分多址(TDMA)的媒体访问层(MAC)还实现了RANDOM ACCESS PHASE来向信道添加新的无线电。 DCF,PCF和TDMA在管理同一信道中的干扰方面表现平平。本文基于感知的RSSI,RCPI和SNR指标,通过生成信号强度-snr图来对抗干扰,提出了一种针对802.11基础设施和自组织网络的新颖的干扰和频谱感知信道访问机制。所提出的方法还使用自适应信道化的概念来解决有效的频谱管理。提及的信道访问算法允许在同一信道中进行多个并行无线对话。



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