首页> 外文会议>Chinese Automation Congress >Application of ultrasonic thermometry in the reconstruction of microwave heating medium internal temperature distribution

Application of ultrasonic thermometry in the reconstruction of microwave heating medium internal temperature distribution




Energy problem has become the core issues of all countries in the world, the application of new technology for major technical transformation in energy intensive industries represented by chemical and metallurgical is imminent, the use of microwave heating instead of traditional heating can greatly improve the utilization rate of energy and achieve the goal of energy conservation and emissions reduction. However some technology bottleneck problem still exist in the large-scale industrial application of microwave heating, it is difficult to keep the application of high power microwave source efficient, safe and reliable. The existence of these problems is down to a lack of an effective measure for information acquisition, processing and control during the interaction process between microwave and time-varying medium, and the perception and reconstruction of internal temperature distribution of medium is the key to the effectiveness of the control. Considering the particularity of industrial processing medium (e.g., solid), using ultrasonic thermometry technology will break through the limitation of the common way of thermometry. The temperature distribution reconstruction algorithm, the basic principle of ultrasonic thermometry and the realization of the system are introduced in detail in this paper, and the key issues, the precise measurement of the time of flight (TOF) have been carried out to verify on a physical experiments platform.



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