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Performance issues with routing in multi-channel multi-interface IEEE 802.11s networks

机译:多通道多接口IEEE 802.11s网络中路由的性能问题



Wireless Mesh Networks have the potential to serve as an all-wireless backbone. They represent a key building block of the new Internet of Things to collect all the traffic. However, IEEE 802.11 performs very poorly in multi-hop topologies leading to unfairness and a poor throughput. Thus, the standard IEEE 802.11s proposes to re-use the IEEE 802.11 medium access in a mesh multi-hop topology while using a routing protocol to create routes at the layer 2. IEEE 802.11s may exploit multi-channel multi-interface wireless routers to increase the through-put. In particular, the routing protocol must select carefully the forwarders to limit inter- and intra-flow interference. In this paper, we propose to fully characterize the performance of IEEE 802.11s when using multi-interface nodes, and to isolate some key performance issues. We also propose some key mechanisms that must be implemented to solve these pathological cases and to improve the throughput.
机译:无线网状网络有可能作为全无线骨干网。它们代表了收集所有流量的新内容互联网的关键构建块。然而,IEEE 802.11在多跳拓扑中表现得非常差,导致不公平和吞吐量不佳。因此,标准IEEE 802.11提出在使用路由协议以在层2中创建路由的同时重新使用IEEE 802.11媒体访问。IEEE 802.11可以利用多通道多接口无线路由器增加通过放置。特别地,路由协议必须仔细选择转发器以限制流动间干扰。在本文中,我们建议在使用多接口节点时完全表征IEEE 802.11的性能,并隔离一些关键性能问题。我们还提出了一些必须实施的关键机制,以解决这些病理病例并提高吞吐量。



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