首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Information Communication and Embedded Systems >Developing the fabricated system of automatic vehicle identification using RFID based poultry traceability system

Developing the fabricated system of automatic vehicle identification using RFID based poultry traceability system




The present work reports the automatic vehicle identification (AVI) system using RFID signals. Sensor is incorporate in the electronic family; it is used in many fields. In this paper, we propose the photoelectric sensors as a vehicle detection tool in an RFID based poultry traceability system. In this system the vehicle is tapered with barcodes on the number plates, all the information about vehicle like vehicle register number, vehicle owner name, address of the owner and all the specifications about the vehicle are tapered as barcodes and the RFID based poultry traceability system is fixed at every check point, when the vehicle passes through this check point the RFID signals scan the bar codes and send the information to the main server. In the main server the information is stored in the secondary storage device (ssd) and it can be verified at any time easily. By using this system we can collect toll fares, insurances etc., efficiently without humans and we can also reduce the accidents on highways by controlling the vehicle speed, if any vehicle tolerates the rules like over speed, the check points the sensors warns the driver by displaying the message on the screens and also send the vehicle information to the traffic controllers and to main server simultaneously with in fraction of seconds using general packet radio service (gprs). There is no need to supply power to this system because the dc motor available in this system converts the pressure obtain from the vehicles to electric energy. Finally, the concept shown in this paper is highly reliable system for identification of vehicles in this electronic world.



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