首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Management Science Engineering >Frank Johnson Goodnow's ideas on administrative reform and public administration reform in China—Reconsidering the book of politics and administration: A study in government

Frank Johnson Goodnow's ideas on administrative reform and public administration reform in China—Reconsidering the book of politics and administration: A study in government

机译:弗兰克·约翰逊·古德诺夫(Frank Johnson Goodnow)关于中国行政改革和公共行政改革的思想-重新思考政治与行政书:政府研究



Politics and Administration: a Study in Government is not only the best work on the administrative study by Frank Johnson Goodnow, but one of the classics of the Science of Public Administration. More than one hundred years have passed, since this master's book was first read, we could not refrain from thinking that, it suddenly opens a door for us and enlightens us. What Frank Johnson Goodnow wrote during the so-called American Progress Time of industrialization, urbanization and modernization in this book, will quite inspire China, who's undertaking reforms concerning industrialization, urbanization and modernization. This essay is aimed at combing some of Goodnow's critical views and thoughts and interpreting them under the circumstances in China, so as to find the value of reference to Chinese reforms. Particularly his opinions on the conditions of state, functions of state, roles of political parties, relations between central and local governments and dichotomy on politics and administration, are still shining with the light of wisdom, which indicate our exploration to reform and advance.
机译:政治与行政:政府研究不仅是弗兰克·约翰逊·古德诺夫(Frank Johnson Goodnow)从事行政研究的最佳著作,而且是《公共行政学》的经典著作之一。自从初读这本大师书以来,已经有一百多年的历史了,我们不禁想到,它突然为我们打开了一扇门,并启发了我们。弗兰克·约翰逊·古德诺(Frank Johnson Goodnow)在所谓的《工业化,城市化和现代化的美国进步时期》中写道,这将极大地鼓舞正在进行有关工业化,城市化和现代化的改革的中国。本文旨在梳理古德诺的一些批判性观点和思想,并根据中国的情况对其进行解释,以期发现借鉴中国改革的价值。特别是他关于国家条件,国家职能,政党作用,中央与地方政府之间的关系以及政治与行政二分法的观点仍然闪耀着智慧之光,这表明我们正在探索改革和前进的道路。



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