首页> 外文会议>IEEE Symposium on Wireless Technology Applications >Load metric for QoS-enabled cellular networks and its possible use in pricing strategies

Load metric for QoS-enabled cellular networks and its possible use in pricing strategies




Mobile network traffic has grown exponentially in recent years, and it is expected that this trend will continue in the future. Important driving forces include new affordable smartphones, and the many new connected devices on the market. Also, the rollout of faster HSPA+ and LTE networks is expected to improve the customer experience. Therefore, the efficient management of the expected huge data traffic demands is critical if operators are to maintain acceptable service quality, while making a profit. One of the alternatives is to increase the capacity by allocating more spectrum but this is a finite resource. In this paper we address this issue by proposing a dynamic, flexible pricing model that allows an operator to efficiently utilize the available resources, while fairly charging the customers for resources they utilize. To support the proposed model, we first introduce a novel metric for monitoring the load on the network.
机译:近年来,移动网络流量呈指数增长,并且预计这种趋势将在未来持续下去。重要的推动力包括新的负担得起的智能手机以及市场上许多新的联网设备。同样,更快的HSPA +和LTE网络的推出有望改善客户体验。因此,如果运营商要维持可接受的服务质量并获利,那么对预期的巨大数据流量需求的有效管理就至关重要。一种选择是通过分配更多频谱来增加容量,但这是一种有限的资源。在本文中,我们通过提出一个动态,灵活的定价模型来解决此问题,该模型允许运营商有效利用可用资源,同时公平地向客户收取他们所利用的资源的费用。为了支持所提出的模型,我们首先介绍一种新颖的度量标准,用于监视网络上的负载。



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