
Turnkey Solution for Single-phase Grid-connected DC/AC Converter Controls

机译:单相并网DC / AC转换器控制的交钥匙解决方案



As renewable energy becomes more important for today's energy supply, the demand for efficient and cost efficient inverters for photovoltaic applications keeps on increasing. It is essential for those inverters to be able to adapt to a wide range of loads at high power factor, to provide active and reactive power, as well as synchronizing with the grid smoothly. This paper introduces a set of control algorithms for both island and grid mode for the DC/AC part of a two-stage inverter for photovoltaic panels. The control was implemented on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), featuring a PR-controller and a highly adaptive PLL based on a Second Order Generalized Integrator (SOGI). The paper also discusses ways to discretize said structures for further implementation.
机译:随着可再生能源在当今的能源供应中变得越来越重要,对光伏应用中高效且具有成本效益的逆变器的需求不断增长。这些逆变器必须能够以高功率因数适应各种负载,提供有功和无功功率,并与电网平滑同步。本文介绍了一套用于光伏面板的两级逆变器的DC / AC部分的孤岛模式和电网模式的控制算法。该控制在现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)上实现,该阵列具有PR控制器和基于二阶通用积分器(SOGI)的高度自适应PLL。本文还讨论了离散化所述结构以进一步实现的方法。



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