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Dude Where's My Stars: A Novel Topologically Justified Approach to Star Tracking




For thousands of years, humankind has utilized star tracking to measure both time and geographical location. In the modern technological era, the problem of telling one's orientation and position from images of the stars has newfound importance when related to satellite communication systems. For example, developments in laser-based communication systems promise huge gains in data rates; however, they tend to require a much finer pointing accuracy in order to hit and track their target as compared to radio frequency due to having a more focused emission pattern. As such, satellites with laser-based communications systems require the ability to obtain their attitude with a much higher degree of accuracy than traditional radio-based communication. For example, in [1], the Mars-to-Earth optical communications system studied requires a pointing accuracy on the order of 2-5 microradians, with an estimated update clock of several hundred Hertz. For contrast, the high-gain antenna of the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) had a pointing accuracy requirement of 2.08 milliradians that could update at 10Hz-10kHz [2] (note that MRO did not use star trackers, but rather used the Electra radio; one can study its performance in [3]).
机译:几千年来,人类已经利用明星追踪来衡量时间和地理位置。在现代技术时代,在与卫星通信系统相关的情况下,讲述星星图像的定位和位置的问题具有新的重要性。例如,基于激光的通信系统的开发承诺数据速率的巨大收益;然而,它们倾向于需要更精细的指向精度,以便与由于具有更聚焦的发射模式而相比击中并跟踪其目标。因此,具有基于激光的通信系统的卫星需要能够以比传统的基于无线电的通信更高的准确度获得其姿态。例如,在[1]中,研究的火星到地球光通信系统需要大约2-5微频道的指向精度,估计有数百赫兹的更新时钟。相比之下,火星侦察轨道器(MRO)的高增益天线具有2.08毫拉的指向精度要求,可以在10Hz-10KHZ [2](注意MRO没有使用星跟踪器,而是使用电台;人们可以在[3]中研究其性能。



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