
The Air Force's Solution to CAA 118(d) Compliance

机译:空军对CAA 118(d)合规性的解决方案



The Air Force chose to use a self-certification process which is facilitated by ECARS to demonstrate compliance with CAA 118(d). They have demonstrated that ECARS provides an electronic, uniform, and economical information management solution that largely automates the administration of their compliance program. As of February 2014, 38 Air Force facilities had activated ECARS to facilitate compliance with CAA 118(d). By the end of calendar year 2014 it is anticipated that all 63 affected facilities will have implemented ECARS, which will bringing the number of participants in the program to approximately 150,000. Experience indicates that participants complete the self-certification process on average in less than 3 minutes. When compared to traditional methods of compliance that required employees to visit an on base pass and ID office to furnish proof of emissions testing, the Air Force estimates a savings of over 200,000 man hours annually.
机译:空军选择使用ECARS促进的自我认证程序,以证明其符合CAA 118(d)。他们证明,ECARS提供了一种电子,统一且经济的信息管理解决方案,可在很大程度上自动化其合规性计划的管理。截至2014年2月,已有38个空军设施启用了ECARS,以促进对CAA 118(d)的遵守。预计到2014日历年底,所有63个受影响的设施都将实施ECARS,这将使该计划的参与者数量达到约15万。经验表明,参与者平均不到3分钟即可完成自我认证过程。与传统的合规方法相比,传统的合规方法要求员工访问基本通行证和身份证明办公室以提供排放测试证据,据空军估计,每年可节省200,000多个工时。



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