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Modified DSR, an energy conserving approach to DSR protocol in MANET




MANET is a type of infrastructure less wireless communication network/system that can be set up at anytime, anywhere. In MANET each and every process consumes power. Power consumption is one of the most crucial design concerns in Mobile Ad-hoc networks as the nodes in MANET are battery limited. To increase the life time of nodes as well as network energy management is necessary. The life time of a node can be increased when less power is consumed by the nodes during active as well as during inactive communication. In order to increase the life time of a node, traffic should be routed in a way that, power consumption is minimized. DSR is a routing protocol used in MANET. It uses two mechanisms in routing Route Discovery and Route Maintenance. During route discovery it selects the path to establish communication between source and destination. The flooding of routes creates overhead in routing traffic which cause extra consumption of energy. In this paper anew route discovery mechanism is proposed to conserve the energy of nodes during route discovery and data transmission phase compare to original DSR protocol. The proposed work is verified using NS-2 simulator
机译:MANET是一种无基础架构的无线通信网络/系统,可以随时随地进行设置。在MANET中,每个过程都消耗功率。功耗是移动自组织网络中最关键的设计问题之一,因为MANET中的节点受电池限制。为了增加节点的寿命以及网络能量管理是必要的。当节点在活动和非活动通信期间消耗较少的功率时,可以增加节点的使用寿命。为了增加节点的使用寿命,应以使功耗最小化的方式路由流量。 DSR是MANET中使用的路由协议。它在路由“路由发现”和“路由维护”中使用两种机制。在路由发现期间,它选择路径以建立源与目的地之间的通信。路由泛洪会在路由流量中产生开销,从而导致额外的能源消耗。本文提出了一种新的路由发现机制,与原始DSR协议相比,可以在路由发现和数据传输阶段节省节点的能量。拟议的工作已使用NS-2模拟器进行了验证



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