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Simple sybil-proof mechanisms for multi-level marketing




Multi-level marketing refers to a marketing approach in which buyers are encouraged to take an active role in promoting the product. This is done by offering them a reward for each successful referral of the product to other prospective buyers. To encourage potential customers to buy early and to give referrals to influential people, these mechanisms also reward indirect referrals — direct referrals linked to the buyer through other direct referrals. We model referrals using a directed referral tree T. Each node in T corresponds to a buyer. T has an edge from v to u if u buys the product as a result of a referral from v. A reward mechanism determines the reward, R(v), that each node v ∈ T receives for its direct and indirect referrals.
机译:多层次营销是指营销方法,其中鼓励买家在促进产品方面发挥积极作用。 这是通过向其他潜在买家提供对产品的每个成功转介的奖励来完成的。 为了鼓励潜在的客户提前购买并向有影响力的人推荐,这些机制也奖励间接推荐 - 通过其他直接推荐与买方相关的直接转介。 我们使用定向的推荐树T模型推荐。T中的每个节点对应于买方。 如果您以来自v的推荐给出产品,则T到U来自V到U的边。奖励机制确定奖励,R(v),每个节点V∈ T接收其直接和间接转介。



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