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Rings for privacy: An architecture for privacy-preserving user profiling




In present days, where anyone stays online nearly everywhere and everytime, it is crucial from the viewpoint of service providers to collect consumers data, so that questions such as “what kind of advertisement do they click on?”, “what do they buy online?”, “what IP-TV channels do they watch?” and “what do they like to do on social networks?” are answered and some relevant information about the users' habits and likes are extracted, resold for business, or employed to provide services that are better tailored to the customers' interests. Several privacy issues have however to be taken into account, when sensitive data are managed. We believe that approaches which guarantee the users' privacy have to be pursued: accordingly, we put forth a solution that performs users' profiling and keeps sensitive information private; additionally, it lends itself to a decentralized, cost-effective implementation.
机译:如今,几乎每个人都无时无刻不在网上停留,从服务提供商的角度来看,收集消费者数据至关重要,因此诸如“他们点击哪种广告?”,“他们在网上购买什么”之类的问题至关重要。 ?”,“他们观看什么IP-TV频道?”和“他们想在社交网络上做什么?”回答并提取有关用户习惯和喜好的一些相关信息,将其转售给企业,或用于提供更适合客户兴趣的服务。但是,在管理敏感数据时,必须考虑几个隐私问题。我们认为必须采用确保用户隐私的方法:因此,我们提出了一种解决方案,可以执行用户配置文件并将敏感信息保密。此外,它还有助于分散,成本有效的实施。



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