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Design of a distributable stereo hearing test package




The distributable hearing test platform is a novel advancement for research in audiology. With this system, scientists will be able to collect longitudinal data from patients before and after they have undergone various interventions to ameliorate hearing loss. The testing system is deployable to patients' homes where they can take the hearing tests at their convenience. The hearing tests that are administered are more realistic and they will provide data useful for understanding how the brain learns to use a ‘new’ ear. Receiving the hearing test system is significantly cheaper and more convenient for the patient than traveling to take the existing, less informative test. The system currently includes two hearing tests — one that tests the ability to localize sound and another that tests the ability to distinguish speech from noise. This team has focused on the development of the speech-in-noise test. The portable hearing test platform includes a laptop and mouse, eight speakers arranged in an array, a microphone, and a webcam. The alpha prototype for the speech in noise hearing test has been validated and deployed to our first testing site: UVA's Department of Otolaryngology, where it will acquire initial data on sound localization and speech-in-noise abilities. The final prototype, which will be delivered to our client in May 2014, will be sent to patients' homes to allow for long-term data collection.
机译:可分配的听力测试平台是对听力学研究的新推进。通过这种系统,科学家们将能够在经历各种干预措施之前和以后收集来自患者的纵向数据来改善听力损失。测试系统可部署到患者的家园,他们可以在方便的时候采取听力测试。管理的助听器更加逼真,他们将提供有用的数据,了解大脑如何学习使用“新”耳朵。接受听力测试系统比旅行采取现有的,更少的信息测试,患者显着更便宜和更方便。该系统目前包括两个听力测试 - 测试能力本地化声音的能力,以及测试能力区分语音与噪声的能力。该团队专注于开发语音噪音测试。便携式听力测试平台包括一台笔记本电脑和鼠标,八个扬声器,排列在数组中,麦克风和网络摄像头。用于噪声听力测试的语音的Alpha原型已被验证并部署到我们的第一个测试站点:UVA的耳鼻喉科,它将获得关于声音定位和语音能力的初始数据。最终的原型将于2014年5月交付给我们的客户,将被发送给患者的房屋,以允许长期数据收集。



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