
Reducing Risk By Implementing Gas Crossbore Investigations




Risk associated with the increased use of trenchless technology for both new and replacement construction of natural gas distribution systems must be addressed to comply with recently enacted Distribution Integrity Management Program (DIMP) regulations adopted by the USDOT. DIMP regulations require that all gas operators rank system risks and define actions to mitigate these risks. Most gas operators currently utilize trenchless construction methods due to the reduction in construction cost and the minimal impact to surface features. Adoption of a comprehensive crossbore inspection program is critical for utility companies to comply with DIMP regulations. Due to recent incidents nationwide associated with this issue, several major gas distribution companies have instituted inspection programs to mitigate the related risk and insure the safety of their customers. This paper addresses components that should be addressed when either initiating or modifying existing crossbore inspection programs.
机译:必须解决与在天然气分销系统的新建和替代建设中越来越多使用非开挖技术相关的风险,以符合美国运输部(USDOT)最近颁布的《分销完整性管理计划》(DIMP)法规。 DIMP法规要求所有天然气运营商对系统风险进行排名,并确定缓解这些风险的措施。由于降低了建造成本并且对表面特征的影响最小,目前大多数天然气运营商都采用非开挖建造方法。对于电力公司遵守DIMP法规而言,采用全面的十字孔检查程序至关重要。由于最近在全国范围内与此事件相关的事件,几家主要的燃气分销公司已经制定了检查计划,以减轻相关风险并确保客户安全。本文介绍了在启动或修改现有的交叉孔检查程序时应解决的组件。



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