
Who and What Links to the Internet Archive




The Internet Archive's (IA) Wayback Machine is the largest and oldest public web archive and has become a significant repository of our recent history and cultural heritage. Despite its importance, there has been little research about how it is discovered and used. Based on web access logs, we analyze what users are looking for, why they come to IA, where they come from, and how pages link to IA. We find that users request English pages the most, followed by the European languages. Most human users come to web archives because they do not find the requested pages on the live web. About 65% of the requested archived pages no longer exist on the live web. We find that more than 82% of human sessions connect to the Wayback Machine via referrals from other web sites, while only 15% of robots have referrers. Most of the links (86%) from websites are to individual archived pages at specific points in time, and of those 83% no longer exist on the live web.
机译:Internet档案馆(IA)的Wayback Machine是最大,最古老的公共网络档案馆,并且已成为我们近期历史和文化遗产的重要仓库。尽管它很重要,但是关于如何发现和使用它的研究很少。基于Web访问日志,我们分析了用户的需求,为什么进入IA,他们来自何处以及页面如何链接到IA。我们发现用户要求最多的是英语页面,其次是欧洲语言。大多数人类用户之所以进入Web存档,是因为他们在实时Web上找不到所请求的页面。实时网络上不再存在约65%的请求存档页面。我们发现超过82%的人工会话通过其他网站的引荐连接到Wayback Machine,而只有15%的机器人具有引荐来源。网站上的大多数链接(86%)都指向特定时间的单个存档页面,而其中的83%不再存在于实时网络中。



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