首页> 外文会议>International conference on emerging technologies for information systems, computing, and management >Is Inequality or Deficiency the Real Trouble?-The Influencing Factors of the Income Satisfaction of Chinese Sci-tech Personnel

Is Inequality or Deficiency the Real Trouble?-The Influencing Factors of the Income Satisfaction of Chinese Sci-tech Personnel




With an increasing gap among current incomes, the Chinese sci-tech personnel's income satisfaction does not just depend on the income itself. By controlling some demographic variants such as gender, age, work seniority, etc., this study conducted a thorough analysis of the influence of some factors on the income satisfaction via optimal scaling regression and some other regression methods. The influencing factors include the income itself, the income gap, and the allocation system and so on. It was found that the inter-industry income gap, to which the income satisfaction is majorly attributed, can more easily cause discontent among the sci-tech personnel than the income itself. The allocation system can exert stronger influence on the income satisfaction among the sci-tech personnel than the intra-regional income gap, yet not as strong as that caused by interindustry income disparity.



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