
An IoT Based Smart Parking System Using LoRa




Internet of Things (IoT) plays a fundamental role in connecting the ecological things around us to a network. It helps us monitor the parameters of the things with the usage of sensors that are familiarize for remote sensing of the specific data and forward the information over the network cloud by means of Internet Connection. This paper centers around the idea of knowing the status of parking availability in a parking lot through Internet with the help of Internet of Things Technology. This uses Ultrasonic sensor to detect the vehicle in the parking slot, TTGO-ESP32-LoRa (transmitter) boards placed at different parking lots in different places to transmit the data. TTGO-ESP32-LoRa (receiver) receives the data which is placed near to the parking lots and also sends the slot information to IBM Watson IoT platform through WiFi protocol present in the Esp32 board. The status of the parking availability can also be viewed in the Android Phone.
机译:事情互联网(物联网)在将我们周围的生态事物连接到网络时发挥着重要作用。它有助于我们利用使用传感器来监视事物的参数,该传感器熟悉遥感特定数据并通过互联网连接将信息转发到网络云上。本文在事物互联网上通过互联网了解停车场在停车场的状态的想法。这使用超声波传感器检测停车插槽中的车辆,TTGO-ESP32-LORA(变送器)板位于不同的停车场,在不同的地方在不同的地方传输数据。 TTGO-ESP32-LORA(接收器)接收到停车场附近的数据,并通过ESP32板中存在的WIFI协议将插槽信息发送到IBM Watson IoT平台。还可以在Android手机中查看停车可用性的状态。



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