首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Biometrics and Kansei Engineering >Developing a Smart City Model that Ensures the Optimum Utilization of Existing Resources in Cities of All Sizes

Developing a Smart City Model that Ensures the Optimum Utilization of Existing Resources in Cities of All Sizes




The concept of Smart Cities is currently gaining high popularity among city authorities around the world while attracting leading companies to collaborate with government bodies as it is now moving from pilot projects and towards creating high business value. Though the existing literature provides evidence for various attempts made in defining the term Smart City and in developing models for the realization of Smart Cities, they are largely focusing on heavily digitized cities with well-established infrastructure. Therefore this paper attempts to address the unattended need of developing a Smart City model that could equally be applied to small and emerging cities especially in developing countries, with the aim of optimizing the utilization of existing city resources. Maslow's hierarchy of needs serves as the base on which the model is developed and the associated cyclic behavior is due to the emphasis placed on the participation of citizens in city governance through their feedback which is further inspired by the advent of new technologies including web 2.0 technologies. Universal design is integrated to the model further making the cities accessible and livable for all.
机译:智能城市的概念目前在世界各地的城市当局中获得很高的知名度,同时吸引领先的公司与政府机构合作,因为它正从试点项目转变为创造高商业价值。尽管现有文献为定义“智能城市”和开发实现智能城市的模型提供了各种尝试的证据,但它们主要集中在基础设施完善的数字化城市。因此,本文试图解决开发智能城市模型的无人值守的需求,该模型可同样适用于小型和新兴城市,尤其是在发展中国家,以优化现有城市资源的利用。 Maslow的需求层次结构是模型开发的基础,而相关的周期性行为则是由于强调了公民通过他们的反馈参与城市治理,这进一步受到了包括Web 2.0技术在内的新技术的启发。 。通用设计已集成到模型中,进一步使所有人都可以使用和居住的城市。



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