首页> 外文会议>Conference on video surveillance and transportation imaging applications >Motorcycle Detection and Counting Using Stereo Camera, IR Camera and Microphone Array

Motorcycle Detection and Counting Using Stereo Camera, IR Camera and Microphone Array




Detection, classification, and character ization are the key to enhancing motorcycle safety, motorcycle operations and motorcycle travel estimation. Average motorcycle fatalities per Vehicle Mile Traveled (VMT) are currently estimated at 30 times those of auto fatalities. Although it has been an active research area for many years, motorcycle detection still remains a cha llenging task. Working with FHWA, we have developed a hybrid motorcycle detection and counting system using a suite of sensors including stereo camera, thermal IR camera and unidirectional microphone array. The IR thermal camera can capture the unique thermal signatures associated with the motorcycle's exhaust pipes that often show bright elongated blobs in IR images. The stereo camera in the system is used to detect the motorcyclist who can be easily windowed out in the stereo d isparity map. If th e motorcyclist is detected through his or her 3D body recognition, motorcycle is detected. Microphone s are used to detect motorcycles that often produce low frequency acoustic signals. All three microphones in the microphone array are place d in strategic locations on the sensor platform to minimize the interferences of background noises from sources such as rain and wind. Field test r esults show th at this hybrid motorcycle detection and counting system has an excellent performance.



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