首页> 外文会议>IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium >Continuous wave simulations on the propagation of electromagnetic fields through the human head

Continuous wave simulations on the propagation of electromagnetic fields through the human head




Characterizing the human head as a propagation medium is vital for the design of both on-body and implanted antennas and radio-frequency sensors. The following problem has been addressed: find the best radio-frequency path through the brain for a given receiver position - on the top of the sinus cavity. Two parameters: transmitter position and radiating frequency should be optimized simultaneously such that (i) the propagation path through the brain is the longest; and (ii) the received power is maximized. To solve this problem, we have performed a systematic and comprehensive study of the electromagnetic fields excited in the head by small on-body magnetic dipoles (small coil antennas). An anatomically accurate high-fidelity head mesh has been generated from the Visible Human Project® data. The base radiator was constructed of two orthogonal magnetic dipoles in quadrature, which enables us to create a directive beam into the head. We have found at least one optimum solution. This solution implies that a distinct RF channel may be established in the brain at a certain frequency and transmitter location.
机译:将人头定性为传播介质,对于人体和植入天线以及射频传感器的设计至关重要。解决了以下问题:在给定的接收器位置-窦腔顶部找到通过大脑的最佳射频路径。两个参数:发射机位置和辐射频率应同时优化,以使(i)穿过大脑的传播路径最长; (ii)接收功率最大化。为了解决这个问题,我们对小型人体磁偶极子(小型线圈天线)在头部激发的电磁场进行了系统而全面的研究。已根据Visible Human Project ®数据生成了解剖学上准确的高保真头部网格。基础辐射器由两个正交的正交磁偶极子构成,这使我们能够在头中产生定向光束。我们已经找到至少一种最佳解决方案。该解决方案意味着可以在大脑中的某个频率和发射器位置建立不同的RF通道。



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