首页> 外文会议>IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium >Initial assessment of artifact filtering for RSVP Keyboard#x2122;

Initial assessment of artifact filtering for RSVP Keyboard#x2122;

机译:对RSVP Keyboard™的伪影过滤的初步评估



RSVP Keyboard™ is an electroencephalography (EEG)-based spelling interface that uses evoked response potential classification with the help of language models. As in any brain computer interface, severe physiological and environmental signal artifacts that affect signal quality in EEG are a detriment to performance. To alleviate the negative effects of such artifacts on RSVP Keyboard™, we implemented a filter that is based on an existing methodology from the literature. Using statistical modeling of pre-recorded EEG that includes three types of artifacts intentionally generated by operators, we perform Monte Carlo simulations of copy-phrase tasks and analyze the effect of artifact filtering on estimated typing performance. The presented results demonstrate an evidence against the usability of the tested method for online artifact reduction applications.
机译:RSVP Keyboard™是基于脑电图(EEG)的拼写界面,它在语言模型的帮助下使用诱发的反应电位分类。像在任何大脑计算机界面中一样,影响EEG中信号质量的严重生理和环境信号伪像对性能造成不利影响。为了减轻此类伪影对RSVP Keyboard™的负面影响,我们基于文献中的现有方法实施了一个过滤器。使用预先记录的脑电图的统计模型,其中包括由操作员有意生成的三种类型的伪像,我们对复制短语任务执行了蒙特卡洛模拟,并分析了伪像过滤对估计的打字性能的影响。提出的结果证明了针对在线减少伪像应用程序的已测试方法的可用性的证据。



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