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Agent-Based Modelling of Air Transport Demand




Constraints such as opening hours or passenger capacities influence travel options thatcan be offered by an airport and by the connecting airlines. If infrastructure;;policy ortechnological measures modify transport options;;then the benefits do not only depend onthe technology;;but also on possibly heterogeneous user preferences such as desired arrivaltimes or on the availability of alternative travel modes.This paper proposes an agent-based;;iterative assignment procedure to model Europeanair traffic and German passenger demand on a microscopic level;;capturing individual passengerpreferences. Air transport technology is simulated microscopically;;i.e. each aircraftis represented as single unit with attached attributes such as departure time;;flight durationor seat availability. Trip-chaining and delay propagation can be added. Microsimulation isused to verify and assess passengers’ choices of travel alternatives;;where those choicesimprove over iterations until an agent-based stochastic user equilibrium is reached. Thisrequires fast simulation models;;thus;;similar to other approaches in air traffic modellinga queue model is used. In contrast to those approaches;;the queue model in this work issolved algorithmically. Overall;;the approach is suited to analyze;;forecast and evaluate theconsequences of mid-distance transport measures.
机译:营业时间或载客量等限制因素会影响出行选择 可以由机场和转机的航空公司提供。如果是基础设施;;政策或 技术措施会改变运输方式;然后带来的好处不仅取决于 技术;但也可能基于不同的用户偏好,例如所需的到达时间 时间或其他出行方式的可用性。 本文提出了一种基于智能体的迭代分配程序来模拟欧洲人 微观层面的空中交通和德国乘客需求;捕获单个乘客 优先。航空运输技术是在微观上模拟的;即每架飞机 表示为具有附加属性(例如出发时间)的单个单位;飞行持续时间 或座位数量。可以添加跳链和延迟传播。微观模拟是 用于验证和评估乘客对其他出行方式的选择; 在迭代中进行改进,直到达到基于代理的随机用户平衡为止。这 需要快速的仿真模型;因此;类似于空中交通模型中的其他方法 使用队列模型。与那些方法相反;该工作中的队列模型是 通过算法解决。总体而言;该方法适合于分析;预测和评估 中距离运输措施的后果。



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