
Towards efficient opportunistic communications: A hybrid approach




Wireless mesh networks are well-recognised by their self-organising properties. End-to-end routing protocols are primarily responsible for achieving these advanced features. However, wireless link failures can cause a route to be invalidated and subsequently removed from the routing table in nodes along the path to destination. Once the route is not available, packets addressed for that destination will be dropped. To improve the packet delivery ratio of those end-to-end protocols, we propose a hybrid approach that integrates features of opportunistic protocols into traditional end-to-end routing protocols in mesh networks. The idea is to buffer packets for which there is no path to the destination and attempt to deliver these buffered packets when an alternative route is found or to pass them to neighbours who might eventually be able to establish a route to the destination. To demonstrate the concept, we present the AODV-OPP — an extension of the AODV protocol that uses opportunistic communication. AODV-OPP always prefers end-to-end route before attempting to send opportunistically to neighbours. Based on a number of systematic simulation scenarios, we observe that AODV-OPP consistently outperforms the original AODV, with a PDR gain greater than 8% most times and up to 45%.
机译:无线网状网络以其自组织特性而广为人知。端到端路由协议主要负责实现这些高级功能。但是,无线链路故障可能导致路由无效,并随后从到目标路径的节点中的路由表中将其删除。一旦路由不可用,指向该目标的数据包将被丢弃。为了提高那些端到端协议的数据包传递率,我们提出了一种混合方法,将机会协议的功能集成到网状网络中的传统端到端路由协议中。其思想是对没有目的地路径的数据包进行缓冲,并在找到替代路由时尝试传递这些缓冲数据包,或将其传递给可能最终能够建立至目的地的路由的邻居。为了演示这一概念,我们介绍了AODV-OPP,它是使用机会通信的AODV协议的扩展。 AODV-OPP始终倾向于端到端路由,然后再尝试向邻居发送机会。基于许多系统仿真方案,我们观察到AODV-OPP始终优于原始AODV,PDR增益多数时候大于8%,最高可达45%。


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